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Add pagination


For a highly structured web site we can also provide a mechanism for users to paginate through the site.

Activity 13

Open index.php and find this line:

  1. <p>Whenever your module starts, make sure you read theĀ <a href="">Survival guide</a>.</p>

Paste the following code on the next line:

  1. <div class="ou-paged">
  2. <ul>
  3. <li><a class="ou-next" href="survival-guide.php">Next page</a></li>
  4. </ul>
  5. </div>


Take a look.

Activity 14

Now open up survival-guide.php and search for:

  1. <li>What module materials should I have?</li>
  2. </ul>

Paste the following code on the next line:

  1. <div class="ou-paged">
  2. <ul>
  3. <li><a class="ou-previous" href="index.php">Previous page</a></li>
  4. <li><a class="ou-next" href="studenthome.php">Next page</a></li>
  5. </ul>
  6. </div>


Take a look.

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