Ceci, Stephen J.


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Stephen J. Ceci, PhD holds a lifetime endowed chair in child development at Cornell University. He studies the accuracy of children's courtroom testimony (particularly as it applies to allegations of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect), as well as the development of intelligence and memory. He is the author of over 200 articles, books, and chapters, and he has given hundreds of invited addresses around the world (see below).
Ceci's past honours and numerous scientific awards include a Senior Fulbright-Hayes fellowship and an NIH Research Career Scientist Award. His article in Psychological Bulletin was awarded the 1994 Robert Chin Prize from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues for the best article dealing with child abuse and neglect, and it was named one of the top 20 articles in 1994 by Hertzig & Farber.
Ceci has received the IBM Supercomputing Prize, three Senior Mensa Foundation Research Prizes, and the Arthur Rickter Award for his work on children's testimony. Ceci has received the IBM Supercomputing Prize, three Senior Mensa Foundation Research Prizes, and the Arthur Rickter Award for his work on children's testimony.
He currently serves on seven editorial boards, and has served on many others over the years. The American Board of Forensic Psychology gave Ceci its Lifetime Distinguished Contribution Award in 2000. In addition to hundreds of invited talks at universities and meetings, Ceci has given the keynote addresses at over 50 national and international meetings, including the British Psychological Society, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Midwest Psychological Association, the Eastern Psychological Association, the New England Psychological Association, the Western Psychological Association, the German Psychological Association, the Swedish Psychological Association, the Brazilian Psychological Association, the American College of Psychiatry, and the American Psychiatric Association.
In 1993 Ceci was named a Master Lecturer of the American Psychological Association, and in 1995 APA named a book series after him ('The Ceci Series in Developmental Psychology'). He has given over 100 addresses at universities around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, Oslo, Stockholm, Munich, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton Universities. He has also given approximately 50 training workshops to state associations of psychologists, judges , social workers, attorneys, forensic associations, and law enforcement personnel.
In 2000 he was named the first William James Lecturer by the American Psychological Society.
Ceci is a fellow of five divisions of the APA, and of the American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology, and the American Psychological Society. His 1996 book (co-written with Maggie Bruck) Jeopardy in the Courtroom: a scientific analysis of children's testimony (1995) is an American Psychological Association bestseller, and winner of the 1999 William James Award for Excellence in Psychology.
He is past president of Division 1 of APA and currently serves as a senior scientific advisor to the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIAR), the Advisory Board to the National Science and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences, and he recently completed a three-year term on the American Psychological Society's Board of Directors. Ceci is the founder and co-editor of the new APS journal, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, which is partnered with Scientific American.



