Rose, Nikolas


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Nikolas Rose (1947-) is a prominent British Sociologists and social theorist. He is influential in the fields of sociology, history, psychology and politics. Originally trained as a biologist Rose is currently working as the Head of Department in the Department of Social Science, Health & Medicine at King's College London.
Rose is well-known for his work on the Genealogy of Subjectivity and his interpretative work on the writings of Michel Foucault. In Governing the Soul, one of Rose’s most influential texts, Rose illustrates the links between expertise, subjectivity and political power. In particular he argues that disciplines such as Psychology, Psychiatry etc. have become so popular and prolific because of changes in governmentality, technologies and political power.
Rose’s work is highly interdisciplinary and has worked as the Head of Sociology at Goldsmiths University as well as the Dean of Social and Mathematical Sciences. His work has focused on what it means to be human and how this is implicated by society and by the government. In his more recent work Rose has explored more of his original biological interests and has worked on the conceptual social and political concerns in biomedicine.


