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Proof reading activity Preparing assignments

Proof-read this short extract from an assignment. How many errors can you find? Rewrite this text and compare it to the correct version by clicking show correct answer.

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In what ways does the fiscal policy of the UK government affect other EU member countries?

The fiscal policy of the UK government affected its EU partners in many ways.

In order to explore this topic this essay outline some current policies and examine each in turn, assessing their individual affects.

EU countries was not always so interdependant. Aims were originally base on limited economic goals.

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Correct answer

Each correct word is shown in bold.

  1. [start of extract] The fiscal policy of the UK government affected its EU partners in many ways [end of extract]. 'The fiscal policy of the UK government affects its EU partners in many ways.' This word should be in the present tense not the past. Note that the essay question says = 'in what ways does…'
  2. [start of extract] In order to explore this topic this essay outline some current policies and examine each in turn, assessing their individual affects [end of extract]. 'In order to explore this topic this essay will outline some current policies and examines… ' The subject of the essay is in the third person singular, so the verb needs 's', ending in the present tense.
  3. '... each in turn, assessing its individual effects.' Here, 'each' (the subject) is singular. 'Effects' (noun), not affects.
  4. [start of extract] EU countries was not always so interdependant [end of extract]. 'EU countries were not always so interdependent.' Plural subject (countries), so a plural verb. There is a spelling mistake in 'interdependant', it should be 'interdependent'.
  5. [start of extract] Aims were originally base on limited economic goals [end of extract]. 'Aims were originally based on limited economic goals.' Another problem with the tense.