Business Thinkers

1469 - 1527

Niccolo Machiavelli



Machiavelli, who was born in and died in Florence, was a civil servant and initially worked for the Medici family – the banking dynasty who controlled the city at the turn of the 16th Century. When Florence became a republic, his career progressed as a high-ranking diplomat.

In 1512 the Medicis regained control of the city, and Machiavelli was arrested and tortured. On his release he returned to his estate outside Florence, where he wrote his three best-known works: The Prince, The Art of War (the only book published in his lifetime) and Discourses on Livy.

After 1521 he recovered some of his public acceptance, and his death in 1527 shortly preceded the second overthrow of the Medicis.

Of primary interest to managers is The Prince – a book on strategy, and a treatise on government and politics. It is the first work to consider statecraft and politics set outside the framework of Christian ethics, as the needs and benefits of the state prevail.

Although Machiavelli arouses mixed emotions among managers today, his influence remains.

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