Please note: This site has been replaced with a newer version. It remains here for historical reference only.


Font stack

The standard OUICE font-stack is up for review.

The current implementation is to use a narrow character san-serif stack:

  1. font-family:/*Frutiger, Univers, */"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, /*Calibri,*/ Arial, sans-serif;

This covers all headings and body text.

This conflicts directly with previous advice that all body copy on OU websites should use Verdana.

Want to contribute to the work on a standard OUICE font stack? Please start a discussion on the OU web developers Google Group.

Font sizes

Once a final font-stack has been decided, we'll fine-tune the font-sizes. The base font size is the equivalent of 12 pixels.

  1. body {
  2. font-size:75%;
  3. }

Heading sizes need further work. They may appear a little large (especially h2) at the moment.

Baseline grid

We are aiming for a 18px equivalent baseline grid (12 x 1.5 = 18). There is more work to be done to get everything lined up on this grid!

  1. body {
  2. line-height:1.5;
  3. }