Business Thinkers

544 - 496 BC

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu


Sun Tzu, whose name is also transliterated as Sun Tze or Sun Wu, was a successful army general whose ideas are contained in his book The Art of War; (the book's actual title is Sun Tzu Ping Fa, literally The Military Method of Mr Sun). It is regarded as the oldest and one of the most accomplished books on military strategy, and has had an impact on Eastern military tactics, business and life in general.

Although the book is fascinating as military history, its interest to the manager is how the message converts into his world of constant battling. Its emphasis is on how to fight wars without going into battle as it gives tips on how to use the right strategy to outsmart one's enemies.

As management has become global and the centres of economy have moved eastwards, it helps give an understanding of the Far East, where it is required reading for managers. Military history has always held a fascination for management students because armies were the first complex mobile management organisations

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The Art of War on the Internet Classics Archive
OpenLearn article on Sun Tzu's influence
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