Please note: This site has been replaced with a newer version. It remains here for historical reference only.


These are the icons that are used in OUICE so far. All are copyright of the Open University.

Please note that this is an incomplete set. A work in progress. Whilst the sizes wont change it's likely that the images in each icon will be updated over time. Also, many of these icons are saved in jpeg format. They need to be exported as PNG 32 files eventually.

See how these are used in context in the content and navigation styles pages.

Icon name 16x16 32x32 Notes Illustrator
about about about Use in contextual help and for "about this page" type boxes. Stephen Turvey
action action about Use where a user is expected to stop and do / think about something. Stephen Turvey
down arrow down --   Stephen Turvey
right arrow right --   Stephen Turvey
left arrow left --   Stephen Turvey
a-z a-z a-z   Stephen Turvey
contact contact contact   Stephen Turvey
customise customise customise May not be useful as a mainstream icon. Stephen Turvey
download download download   Stephen Turvey
feedback feedback feedback Conflict with "dialogue"? Stephen Turvey
home home home   Stephen Turvey
print print print   Stephen Turvey
rss rss rss   Stephen Turvey
sitemap sitemap sitemap   Stephen Turvey
up top --   Stephen Turvey
warning warning warning   Stephen Turvey
example -- example May not be the final icon. Stephen Turvey
tags tags --   Stephen Turvey
tip -- tip   Stephen Turvey
notes -- notes   Stephen Turvey
steps -- steps   Stephen Turvey
remember -- remember   Stephen Turvey
activity -- -- May be the same as "action". Check.  
dialogue -- -- Conflict with "feedback"?  
glossary -- --    
references -- --    
appendix -- --    
keypoints -- --    
summary -- --    
.doc word doc --   David Winter
.pdf pdf --   David Winter
.xls xls --   David Winter
.ppt ppt --   David Winter
external link external link --   David Winter

Other icons

FAMFAM silk icons are also acceptable where no other OUICE icon yet exists.