Please note: This site has been replaced with a newer version. It remains here for historical reference only.

Reserved class and ID names

Name Notes
a#s0 (for s plus any number!) CSS-powered tabs
a.external For external links.
a.first child of div.paged
a.last child of div.paged child of div.paged
a.parent Link to parent page
a.previous child of div.paged
a.root child of p.ancestors For links to top of page
body.dreamweaver Dreamweaver template namespace
body.drupal Drupal theme namespace
body.mediawiki MediaWiki theme namespace
body.ou Reserved but provides no function
body.smf SMF theme namespace
body.wordpress Wordpress theme namespace
div#ia-nav For StudentHome, Study at the OU and other "middle bars" (global secondary top bars).
div#main-image For image-based content pages (like flickr)
div#ou The outer container in the core anatomy template. Used as the hook in the "wrapped" layout.
div#page Core container element.
div#region0 Often left unused. Can be used to flag important notices or promotional material.
div#region1 The main content region.
div#region2 Secondary content and local navigation.
div#site Core container element.
div#site-body Core container element.
div#site-footer Core container element.
div#site-header Core container element.
div#site-ident Contains p#site-title and p#site-description. Child of the div#site-header.
div.action Content style.
div.activity Content style.
div.appendix Content style.
div.comment Content style. Content style.
div.context-nav Navigation system.
div.dialogue Content style. Content style.
div.entry-content Child of .hfeed.
div.example Content style.
div.go1 Float left
div.go2 Float right Content style.
div.keypoints Content style.
div.landscape Photo style
div.notes Content style.
div.paged Navigation system. Content style.
div.portrait Photo style. Content style. Designed for home and landing pages.
div.quote Content style.
div.remember Content style.
div.steps Content style.
div.summary Content style.
div.thumbnails Designed for pages where photos are the main content.
div.tip Content style.
div.warning Content style.
dl#toc "On this page" links.
dl.categories Navigation system.
dl.children Navigation system.
dl.glossary Navigation system. Navigation system.
dl.parent-siblings Navigation system. Navigation system.
dl.related Navigation system.
dl.tags Navigation system.
dl.toc Navigation system.
form.ouice For surveys, questionnaires, contact forms, administration For search pages and anywhere else that needs a search form.
h2.entry-title Part of .hfeed.
input#search-box Child of
input#search-button Child of
li.hentry Child of .hfeed.
ol#comments Container of l.comment elements. For blogs.
ol.code For code examples.
ol.comments Used in conjunction with ol#comments. Style hooks are applied to the class.
ol.hfeed hAtom microformat used for gallery and search results pages as well as blogs.  
p#site-description Pithy slogan.
p#site-title Where am I?
p.ancestors Navigation system - breadcrumbs.
p.caption To accompany a photo.
p.entry-summary Child of .hfeed
p.introduction Lead into page.
p.meta Data about data (published, author, updated, categories, tags etc).
p.source Source of a quote. Used with quotes. Why not cite? Hmm.
span.root Child of p.ancestors (breadcrumbs)
span.seperator Note the spelling! The bit between the links. Why spelt thusly. Well..
ul.atoz For A to Z lists.
ul.children Navigation system.
ul.sections Navigation system.
ul.siblings Navigation system.
ul.sitemap Navigation system.
ul.utilities Navigation system.
ul.xoxo Navigation system.
ul.zebra For stripey rows.