Allport, Gordon W.


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Gordon W. Allport was born on Nov. 11, 1897 in Montezuma, Indiana, USA.
Appointed a social science instructor at Harvard University in 1924, Allport became professor of psychology six years later and, in the last year of his life, professor of social ethics. He consistently related his approach to the study of personality to his social interests and was one of a growing number of psychologists who sought to introduce the leavening influence of humanism into psychology. His important introductory work on the theory of personality was Personality: A Psychological Interpretation (1937).
Allport is best known for the theory that although adult motives develop from infantile drives, they become independent of them. His approach favoured emphasis on the problems of the adult personality rather than on those of infantile emotions and experiences. In Becoming (1955) he stressed the importance of self and the uniqueness of adult personality. The self, he contended, is an identifiable organisation within each individual and accounts for the unity of personality, higher motives, and continuity of personal memories. He also made important contributions to the analysis of prejudice in The Nature of Prejudice (1954). His last important work was Pattern and Growth in Personality (1961). Allport's thinking was influenced by, among others, his brother Floyd (also a psychologist). Allport died in 1967.



